Sunday, April 12, 2009


I recently listened to an episode of Radiolab about choice. As the would has developed the number of choices available to us in a daily basis has increased exponentially. This seems like it would be a positive development, but it may not be. Sometimes there are so many possibilities it becomes overwhelming and inhibits our ability to make an informed decision. In the program they spoke about George Miller’s paper “The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two,” which states that the average human is only able to hold on to about seven pieces of information plus or minus two in their working memory at any given time. This is why so many of the numbers we have to remember are 9 digits or less. If we have to try and deal rationally with more then 7 factors we are unable to focus and use our good judgment is easily overridden.

Researcher Baba Shiv did a test where he asked participants to remember a set of numbers and then walk across the hall and recite the numbers. Some subjects were given only 2 or 3 numbers to remember and some were given 7. As they walked down the hall they were stopped and offered two options for snacks, either a fruit cup or a piece of chocolate cake. In a overwhelming majority those who were remembering 7 digits chose the cake while those who were only dealing with 2 chose the fruit cups. Baba Shiv believes this is because our rational brain can only deal with so much at one time. If it is totally occupied remembering a series of numbers the emotional side is able to take over and the subjects choose their emotional choice over the best rational choice. Its a little scary that our logical decision making skills can be so easily overridden with only 7 items, just think about how many different things we try and keep in mind even when we are making small decisions.

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